Tagged: hadrians wall



Fell-walker, trig-pointer, peak-bagger, Wainwright-er & Pennine Way author, with a passion for long paths, malt whisky, fast cars & Man City. I have several long distance path reports on the website, along with a comprehensive list of hills and trig points I’ve visited throughout the UK. Go to this Journal


Rambling Pete

I have worked offshore on the Oil and Gas rigs for the past 29 years. I’ve visited some wonderful places, but there’s no place like home for a good tramp around the Countryside. Over the next year I will try and record a walk every Month to share with whoever...


Four Walkers

We are four grandmothers Heather (author), Jenny, Brenda B. and Brenda M. who all enjoy walking. Brenda M is not always able to walk for long spells, so each morning she joins us for the beginning of our day’s walking, and is our back up driver. Jenny and Heather did...