Tagged: herriot way



Fell-walker, trig-pointer, peak-bagger, Wainwright-er & Pennine Way author, with a passion for long paths, malt whisky, fast cars & Man City. I have several long distance path reports on the website, along with a comprehensive list of hills and trig points I’ve visited throughout the UK. Go to this Journal


Rambling Pete

I have worked offshore on the Oil and Gas rigs for the past 29 years. I’ve visited some wonderful places, but there’s no place like home for a good tramp around the Countryside. Over the next year I will try and record a walk every Month to share with whoever...


The Rambling Badgers

A group of friends who decided during 2010 to walk the peaks in Yorkshire over 2000ft. Anyone who knew us back then would have been totally shocked to hear of this news as none of us were walkers, and were more likely to be found hearing the last orders bell,...


Ashley Heeley

Married with 2 children aged 14 and 9. A Human Resources Manager. Major interests include medieval history especially the Wars of the Roses and the Battle of Towton in particular, and reliving my youth by taking an interest in music in particular some of the new bands coming out of...